
Stefano Antoniazzi, born and living in Milan (Italy), is graduated in computer science (with specialization in Artificial Intelligence) and holds a diploma from Stajano Music Academy. Technical manager for a high-tech corporate, Stefano still also cultivates his passion for music composition, arrangement and sound engineering. His music has clear roots in progressive rock, but he is also influenced by some ambient, folk, jazz and classic styles. All compositions are protected by international copyright and some of them are registered with PRS for Music Ltd (UK).

Stefano Antoniazzi, milanese, è laureato in computer science (con specializzazione in Intelligenza Artificiale) e diplomato all’accademia musicale Stajano. Di professione manager tecnico in una multinazionale high-tech, Stefano continua da sempre a coltivare la sua passione per la composizione musicale, l’arrangiamento e l’ingegneria del suono. I suoi brani musicali affondano le radici nel rock progressivo, ma esprimono anche influenze da alcuni stili ambient, jazz, folk e classici. Tutte le composizioni sono protette da copyright internazionale ed alcune sono registrate con PRS for Music Ltd (UK).

If you are interested in using my songs as well as in new musical projects,
please send me an email to the following address.
In caso di interesse per brani esistenti o nuovi progetti musicali, inviate una email al seguente indirizzo.





Evi Guida (painter, writer and international art critic) wrote: “I believe that you cultivate the ability to perceive and magically bestow what is given to us mere mortals only as a guess. Nothing more than musical vibration can express this mysterious Cosmos in which we are all involved. Congratulations! I consider you a valid and sensitive communicator. I have always cultivated admiration for people like you that know how to express tangibly in such a wonder.”

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